This service call cost the client nearly $3000 for a missing nut. Let me help you help yourself SAFELY
Many times we are able to diagnose and even help talented maintenance technician isolate and repair their equipment via phone. this particular client was very uncertain of and as they tinkered for several days on their own prior to calling for help management was beating the war drums to get this equipment up and running.
Upon arrival I linterviewed what were the symptoms, what might have been changed piror to the equipment failure. With no clues I looked at the overall condition of the equipment and it appeared clean and maintained so I took a couple of measurments to see if the re were any clue to the failure. Finding an open circuit on the grid resistance circuit I opened up the box containing the controls and meters, and see this. a nut fallen off the stud and this prevented the whole production run from operating.
This repair took approxamately 5 minutes to diagnose, 20 minutes to repair and 45 minutes to provide preventitive maintenance and instruction to the engineer that was responsible.